
Delphi form backgroud set bitmap
Delphi form backgroud set bitmap

This folder contains two simple demo projects and a library of functions for creating bitmaps and textures in Delphi for Delphi.

delphi form backgroud set bitmap

Here I discuss two simple demo projects and a library of functions for creating bitmaps and textures in Delphi for Delphi. "Always break line between else and if" vs.I have been exploring Textures in Delphi 3D and this required an understanding of colors and at a later time will require the construction of very specific Bitmaps modeled on the one used by Anders Ohisson in his Maths Function Demo.Safe event hooking for Delphi IDE plugins.KnownIdePackagesManager Tool for Delphi.Hiding the Quick Action and Description panel in Delphi.TManagedFormDefaultEnvironmentDialog class.

delphi form backgroud set bitmap

Edit keyboard macros with the Macro Library expert.Gegen Uploadfilter und europaweiten “Leistungsschutz”.dzMdbViewer – a viewer for MS Access database files.Beinahe-Unfälle und gefährliche Situationen.StretchBlt must be passed rather than FPreviewBmp.Handle. It took me hours to find out why in my original code StretchBlt failed with error code 6 (The handle is invalid). note that you need to use the Canvas handle of the bitmap,Ĭnv.Handle, BmpLeft, BmpTop, BmpWidth, BmpHeight,į, 0, 0, FPreviewBmp.Width, FPreviewBmp.Height,Ĭnv.TextOut(0, 0, Format('LastError: %d %s', )) SetStretchBltMode(cnv.Handle, COLORONCOLOR) set the StretchBlt mode (you basically always want COLORONCOLOR) calculate size and offsets so it is shown centered calculate the available size to display the bitmap I’ll focus on the Windows API function StretchBlt. There are various ways to draw a bitmap on a paintbox in Delphi.

delphi form backgroud set bitmap

Yes, I know, this is far from news, but since I just spent several hours trying to find out why my code didn’t work, I’ll document it here so I can look it up later.

Delphi form backgroud set bitmap